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Web Development: Carnoustie and Monifieth Men's Shed

Late December 2024 I handed over the website I had finished for the Carnoustie and Monifieth Men's (and Women's) Shed. As of now (January 2025) I'm still with them to train people there in how to run and administer a Wordpress website. Training on how to add/edit/delete users, create posts, edit current pages to update content. I created a staging site for folk to work on without any changes affecting the production site.

The site was a lot of work with requirements changing over time. At an early stage I implemented a shopping facility on the site for product sales, however that was dropped in favour of using Facebook for sales. The website acts partly as a shop front for products but not as a shopping platform. I also created a members are which has a members forum where members can post and share anything digitally. I'm unsure how much it will get used but it's a facility that is there.

I enjoyed (enjoy) creating this website, the folk at the Men's (and women's) shed are all lovely to work with. They gifted me a lovely desktop clock they hand-made (well, everything's hand-made) which was very nice of them.

Carnoustie and Monifieth Men's Shed website.

Below is a recording of a walk-through of the website.